Saturday, 28 May 2011

Work Experience - Evaluation

For my work placement I worked for Butch Auntie. While doing work for them I have had to take on new skills and approach projects with a different attitude, because for the first time, I'm not working on one of my own projects, I 'm working for someone else who has the task of providing content for other clients.
With that comes the need to communicate regularly, and as a result my email inbox has never been so full until now.

The work I have been producing I've not always been so happy with, but that's not to say the times been wasted. As I gradually discovered, it is usually almost impossible to create something right first time, let alone for someone else. We usually started with briefs that were very general at first, and from providing something within a day or two, we could then get feedback on what they like and dislike. This way of working was something that took a little getting used to.

I have been so used to taking the first week of any given assignment slowly, just getting ideas together and figuring out what I want from my own projects, that at the beginning of work experience I was quite panicky. Luckily this soon went away as I got into the swing of things. I think that was an important experience to take from this.

I have to say though, that most of the other difficulties encountered were mostly technical. I found myself making silly errors, which are usually only made when under pressure. Like in the last week of a project deadline. I think because of the way I have had to work to get things done I have been more prone to making mistakes. As a result I didn't always complete the project deadline in its entirety. I wasn't particularly happy with myself for this, but I guess I can learn from my mistakes.

I have been happy with most of the work I have produced, and I have learnt a great deal more on particle dynamics in Maya along the way. I think though the project I enjoyed the most has to have been the Jazz themed visual. I am particularly happy with what I produced considering I didn't use Maya and found it the least stressful project.

I am glad to have had this opportunity to experience work in the last 5 weeks of year two. I think I would have found doing another five week project a step backwards, so I think now I am ready to move forward into year three.

A Flock of Pixels

PS - Company history and profile is slightly delayed as I asked some questions directly to Pete to accompany the rest of the text, but haven't gotten a reply. I don't expect I'll get one now as I can assume he is very busy, so I will probably just post what I have some time tomorrow.

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