I've been working for Butch Auntie for work experience. They provide visuals including projections for live events such as parties and festivals.
They are usually provided with a themed by their clients and for that reason have over many years created a vast range of professional visuals.
The company was founded by Butch Auntie's Directors Steve Brown and Pete Wallace. Before this they both worked on major feature films and TV commercials.
Prior to Butch Auntie, Steve has had experience in traditional stop-motion and 2D animation. They express that both their quality and skill shown in their work has achieved them a status 'above the average VJ outfit'.
You can visit their site at
for examples of what they have worked on.
Like I said yesterday, I did email some questions to Pete too, as there was little else on the site, but I can guess that he is very busy at the moment.
The questions I asked were:
when / how was Butch Auntie first formed?
how many people do you employ at any one time? are they all freelance?
What did you and Steve Brown do before forming Butch Auntie?
What is the difference between Butch Auntie and Microchunk?
Is there a story to where the name Butch Auntie came from?
Whats the future for Butch Auntie?
If and when I have some answers I'll of course update the post.
A Flock of Pixels
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