Saturday 2 April 2011

Transcription - Bits and Bobs

Just a quick post today!

In the animation, there are some slippers riding the ghost train as well as the bear and pillow.

Here is the final model of the slippers, complete with texture.


Here is the scene where the bear and pillow are under the tree.

Here is just the set of the cave with its textures. (not lit yet)


I've also been thinking about re designing A Flock of Pixels.
Here are a few test logo/idents made in Maya.

This is actually based on an idea I already had when I first thought up A Flock of Pixels.
Using cube pixels with 'bee wings'.

Animation is almost done and the rendering is well under way.

A Flock of Pixels.


  1. Nice slippers indeed! And the logo stuff is very crisp and satisfying.
