So I decided to go into Maya and create the scene with basic geometry, so that I can play around with camera angles and focal length. here are what I came up with.

I think Ive lowered the focal length a bit too the extreme here.

These are the sketches based on the scenes from Maya.

Sinse the last picture of the house looking out into the open, Ive come up with three more alternate images. (shown in chronological order) The first one was just looked much the same as the one a painted as seen in one of the previous posts. I didn't think it was any better. The second one I thought was too broken up by the pillars but I'm happy with the third image as it looks like the house is watching over the grounds.

The two archways split the image in two and it looks as if the the other objects are just squashed in.

so this is looking from over the top of the house, looking out into the night. there are some dead trees to the left and a few fading out into the distance with moon half covered by clouds.

I think Ive got something good to work with for tomorrows painting sessions.
Great to see you are experimenting with perspective Ethan