Friday, 22 January 2010


I think it was the

Trapeze Artist in the

Cellar with the

Swiss Army Knife...


  1. Ethan, I think you may be the first one to post your 'combination' ! Well done!! :) Looking forward to seeing what you can do with it!

  2. Whoops- no, I think Matt beat you by about half an hour!

  3. lol, I would say that by the looks of this unit the and the clues given is looking much more like a Cluedo game, indeed. :)

  4. yeah i agree with rben, when everyone was reading out their subjects i was thinknig about it. cant wait to see how expressive and creative people can be in our group.

  5. So how do we start this game? Is it the person who posts the most bloggs or the person who posts the least? (sorry bad attempt at a joke there).

  6. I think you have started a Cluedo thing here Ethan!!

  7. and so it begins... this one is going to be a good one :-)

  8. Wow... I don't think I've ever had so many comments in one post.

  9. You see, Ethan? I know you think blogging is a pain in the arse - but you're wrong - it's much more creative and 'creating' than that. Besides, I don't care what you think - as the 'big man on campus' I'm telling you to 'get with it' in terms of blogging and use this platform to its fullest advantage - and I'll be saying so in your feedback and your mark will reflect the 'thinness' of your unit 3 blog. (What? Did you think it had gone unnoticed?) Anyway, the more you participate, the more feedback you'll get and so the opportunities for your creative and interpersonal growth will increase in number. The blog is not 'an optional extra' or a pain in the backside; it's something you must make more time for - build it into your daily routine. Or else. (cue stern look and raised eyebrow in your general direction)!

    Ps - I liked your final image.

  10. Screw the trapeze artist, it was Phil in the cellar with the swiss army knife. :D

  11. It wasn't a lethal blow - just a well-aimed poke in the ribs :-)

  12. I must congratulate you Ethan, what a way to get people talking, it must be nice to know that people are looking at your blog, even whenyou are not aware of it. Have fun with your combination. ^_-
